Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Time Machine - H.G Wells

A Time Traveller travels through time with a Time Machine to the future, to the year 802,701 AD, finds Englad in a state of dystopian-post apocalyptic situation. Instead of increasingly advanced technology, it has returned to barbaric times. He finds several little human groups who called the 'Eloi', and evil post-human monsters called Morlocks, live underground and eating eloi. The adventure of Time Traveller is thrilling, he runaway with Weena, the little people he saved from Morlocks. He must finding his Time Machine which stolen by Morlocks.

Here, Wells makes it clear to readers that this future is a direct evolution of the era in which the Time Traveller lives. I know this is just a theory and writer's imagination, I wonder what make little this human size decreasing? is it part of evolution ? Thus, in the far far future, it would be possible the human race is downsizing just like eloi. Another evolution happens to Morlock too. We see 802,701 AD from scientist point of view, he explain the wheater, the atmosphere and the vegetation of nature. 

For me, The Time Machine is best suited for cinematic portrayal than reading and visualizing. The depiction of apocalyptic world was blown my mind, but sometimes I didn't get into. While I am reading, I watched snippet from The Time Machine 1960 movies, to get visualize what it's look like. But, I admited, this masterpiece is beyond its time.

Ruang Buku Megga Rated : ✬✬✬✬ (4/5)

Title : The Time Machine
Author : H.G Wells
Publisher : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Year :  15 April 2018 (First Published in 1895)
Pages :  160 pages
ISBN : 9786020382807

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