Saturday, March 23, 2024

Review David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

The story is centered on the principal protagonist, David Copperfield, and runs from his childhood to his adulthood and success as a writer which is principally narrated through his perspective. David's description of all the obstacles that have kept him from achieving peace, financial stability and finding true love is so detailed. It's considered to be Dicken's partial autobiographical novel.

David Copperfield enjoy his childhood with his mother and her faithful servant, Peggotty, until his mother marries again and proves powerless to protect him from the cruelty of his stepfather, Mr Murdstone. Mr Murdstone sends David to a boarding school in London where he makes friends with Steerforth and Traddles. When David’s mother and his brother die, His step father exploit him and sent to work at Mr Quinion’s business. David, who is only a child at seven years old must deal with slavery work till he runaway to Dover to find his only relative, aunt Betsy Trotwood, then he met Agnes Wickfield and Uriah Heep. The story is even more interesting, because the more David grown-up and, the more obstacle in life to deal with, the more mature he become.

This book is one of the popular works of Dickens and is widely read. And everyone is more or less aware of the storyline and the characters. The sinister sibling of Mr and Miss Murdstone (metallic woman) is not something to be easily forgotten. The first impression of Mr. Murdstone according to little David's view was quite charming but after the mariage, his true nature comes out, he becomes cruel and dictator. His evil and violent behavior traumatized Little David. 

Even beloved characters will never be forgotten, I love aunt Betsy Trotwood- the best aunties ever, Peggoty-who always understanding Davy,  the spoiled Dora Spenlow- the childlike lady (David's love interest) but very cheerful and enjoying her life, and the eccentric ones, Mr, Micawber-  always speaks sophisticatedly like Shakespeare and seems hard to understand, but luckily has a wife who loving him unconditionally. About Agnes Wickfield, for me, she is too perfect. For David,Those people means a lot. 
This is the first time I read Charles Dickens' novel in english edition, take a lot two months ! I admit this is the longest Dickens' novel I ever read. If we can't be the hero for somebody else, at last we can be the hero for our own.
"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show." (Chapter 1, pg. 5)

Rating Ruang Buku Megga : ✬✬✬✬ (4/5)
Title : David Copperfield
Author : Charles Dickens
Publisher : Wordsworth Classics
Year :  2000 (First Published in 1850)
Pages :  750 pages
ISBN : 9781853260247

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